(Frank) Haifeng He
Haifeng graduated from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (and Kingston University) - recognised as one the most established and well-respected Acupuncture colleges in Europe, the nearly 4 years Acupuncture Degree course included training in both traditional acupuncture and conventional medical sciences and clinical practice. At the same time as training to be a massage therapist he completed the Chinese herbs diploma course with one of most respected Dr. Zhang in UK. He successfully achieved a postgraduate certificate at the level of a Master's Degree from London South Bank University in Advanced Oriental Medicine Research and Practice and a Master Health Research Degree at University of Stirling. With strong Chinese background and education in UK, he applies different approaches such as acupuncture (Five elements, Chinese classics & TCM), evidence-based acupuncture, acupuncture with massage and Chinese herbs used in conjunction with acupuncture. As the body has a remarkable ability to heal itself, but sometimes our environment, lifestyle, emotions or the food we eat cause imbalance or illness from which it cannot recover without help. By adjusting these factors, he will treat patients as individual cases and approach the best treatment plan for each individual patient.
Frank is currently engaged in doctoral studies at the University of Bath, focusing on advancing academic expertise and contributing to the acupuncture field through extensive research. As a member of British Acupuncture Council, Frank is bound by their strict codes of Safe Practice and Professional Conduct and has full medical malpractice and professional indemnity insurance.
Frank has been a lead acupuncturist for the Fountain Centre, based in the Royal Surrey County Hospital. As an NHS employee, Frank is required to act at all times in accordance with the Trusts' Codes of Conduct and disciplinary rules as set out in the Trust's disciplinary procedure.