The British Acupuncture Council compiles all the latest research on acupuncture. It currently lists many different major health conditions that can be treated by acupuncture, however, acupuncture is not just confined to Western labels or diagnoses, and a full Traditional Diagnosis is undertaken and treatment individually tailored. The link from British Acupuncture Council website as follows:
I can thoroughly recommend Frank based on my experience of him treating me at the Chinese Integrated College of Medicine in Reading. Frank is a good communicator. He listened carefully to my symptoms and devised a good plan for my treatment. He had good intuition as to how to proceed based on my responses to his treatments. As a result, I have experienced massive improvement with long-standing problems of pain in my shoulder, neck and shoulders. Frank in my view is an excellent practitioner.--- Coey.
I was referred to Frank by a colleague who is also a massage therapist. I had one particular issue that I had various treatments and therapies for over a 13 years period with little to no success. I was at my wits end and decided that acupuncture was a last chance before reluctantly opting for pharmaceutical treatment & surgery. After the first treatment with Frank I noticed a marked improvement, by the third treatment all my symptoms were gone. Frank is a very kind & professional young man with a wealth of knowledge whom I would highly recommend. --- Bowen.
I have suffered dizziness for a while and been to my GP who said some medication may affect me by causing dizziness as it has happened before and they cannot do anything about it as my medication can not be stopped. Thanks to Frank's help, after only one acupuncture treatment, I already felt the room stop spinning and dizziness gradually disappeared. I can not believe he did an amazing job, a week later and dizziness has never reoccurred.--- James.
I have always been very reliant on word of mouth and personal referrals. I would like to thank everyone who has written positive comments on forums and Google/Yell reviews sites. It really makes a big difference. If you have had a good experience with us, it would be great if you could write a few words on our
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